Packaged this morning...

This is Dragonfly over black BFL and silk - I wasn't sure it would work but it seems to have come out rather well. I need to do more yarn in this too.
B bfl silk, Dragonfly

A bit more Magenta Mouse, on white bfl/silk, and oatmeal in both plain and with silk.
W bfl silk, Magenta mouse

O bfl silk, magenta mouse

O bfl,Magenta mouse

Northern Lights over black bfl/silk. This colourway has been with me since the earliest dyeing-to-sell, and it's still popular. It looks like just the primary colours, but on spinning all the secondaries and tertiaries appear like magic!
B bfl silk, NL

Dorset Horn, dyed in Grail. Yes, it really is that brilliant! I can see this making fabulous socks. Dorset Horn is a crisp springy Down-type wool, and ideal for things that need to wear well - like socks.
Dorset horn, Grail

The same colour, muted a little over grey Shetland/silk.
G shet silk, Grail

Peacock, on both white and oatmeal bfl.
W bfl, Peacock

O bfl, Peacock

A new colourway - Noctilucent. This reminded me of the colours in noctilucent clouds, which I've not managed to see yet but will some time. On Dorset Horn and grey Shetland/silk.
Dorset horn, Noctilucent

G shet silk, Noctilucent

And finally, Gothick dyed over the lovely natural moorit Manx. This is such a strongly coloured wool (at least in top form) that I have to be quite careful on which colourways it will take - blues just don't work at all, greens are excellent, and purples come up beautifully muted.
Gothick, Manx
