And yet more...

W Polwarth, O Masham, B shetsilk, Goblin King
Goblin King, on white Polwarth, oatmeal Masham, black Shetland/silk.

 W Polwarth, O Masham, B shetsilk, Triton
Same wools, white Polwarth, oatmeal Masham, black Shetland/silk, this time in Triton.

W O bfl, Thicket
Thicket on oatmeal and black BFL. A new colour, which on white is probably going to be a  bit bright and teal-y, but on the coloured wools is lovely.

W O bfl, Strand
Another new one: Strand, again on oatmeal and black BFL.

W O bfl, Mordred
Mordred, on white and oatmeal BFL.

W O bfl, Lorien
Lorien, on white and oatmeal BFL.  I've added green streaks rather than green dots this year.

W O bfl, Littleheart
Littleheart, white and oatmeal BFL. I do like this one, even though it's not normally my colours. But the shades inbetween are so lovely. I really fancy some handspun socks in this.

W O B bfl, Northern Lights
The old favourite, Northern Lights, on white, oatmeal, and black BFL.

Manx, oatmeal bfl, Grail
Manx and oatmeal Masham dyed in Grail.

Manx, oatmeal BFL, Copper
Another perennial favourite, Copper, this time on Manx and oatmeal Masham.

Camsilk, Sunrise
Sunrise on camel/silk.

Camsilk, Flora
Flora on camel/silk

Camsilk, Copper
Copper on camel/silk - this one's worked particularly well.
